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Reduction of polynomials over number fields modulo a prime ideal

Given a polynomial fK[x] and a prime ideal p of OK, we want to determine the reduction f¯F[x], where F=OK/p is the residue field. Concretely, we want to reduce the polynomial f=x3+(1+ζ7+ζ72)x2+(23+55ζ75)x+(ζ7+77)/2 over Q(ζ7). We begin by defining the cyclomotic field and the polynomial.


julia> K, ζ = cyclotomic_field(7);

julia> Kx, x = K['x'];

julia> f = x^3 + (1 + ζ + ζ^2)*x^2 + (23 + 55ζ^5)x ++ 77)//2
x^3 + (z_7^2 + z_7 + 1)*x^2 + (55*z_7^5 + 23)*x + 1//2*z_7 + 77//2

Next we determine the ring of integers OK and a prime ideal p lying above the prime p=29.

julia> OK = maximal_order(K);

julia> p = 29;

julia> frakp = prime_decomposition(OK, p)[1][1]
<29, z_7 + 22>
Norm: 29
Minimum: 29
two normal wrt: 29

We can now determine the residue field F=OK/p and the canonical map OKF.

julia> F, reduction_map_OK = residue_field(OK, frakp);

julia> F
Prime field of characteristic 29

julia> reduction_map_OK
  from maximal order of Cyclotomic field of order 7
  with basis AbsSimpleNumFieldElem[1, z_7, z_7^2, z_7^3, z_7^4, z_7^5]
  to prime field of characteristic 29

Not that the reduction map has domain OK and thus cannot be applied to elements of K. We can extend it to the set of p-integral elements by invoking the extend function. Not that the domain of the extended map will be the whole K, but the map will throw an error when applied to elements which are not p-integral.

julia> reduction_map_extended = extend(reduction_map_OK, K)
  from cyclotomic field of order 7
  to prime field of characteristic 29

julia> reduction_map_extended(K(1//3))

julia> reduction_map_extended(K(1//29))
ERROR: Element not p-integral

Finally we can reduce f modulo p, which we obtain by applying the reduction map to the coefficients.

julia> fbar = map_coefficients(reduction_map_extended, f)
x^3 + 28*x^2 + 4*x + 13

julia> base_ring(fbar) === F
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